Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentine in action Day 2

Well, today I decided to start to put my resolutions into action. I decided that today I would focus mostly on the homemaking aspects of my valentine. So to the kitchen it was! One of my favorite homemaking skills that my Mom did all the time was making homemade bread. I have done this, counting today, a grand total of twice. It was an adventure to say the least. After substituting water for the milk the recipe called for in an attempt to be more frugal, and kneading until my arms ached, I was really tired. The house smelled wonderful, though, and it was very satisfying to have a warm roll. I also made cookies, this time with oatmeal to extend the dough and to add more fiber to the cookie. They were really tasty and I had plenty to store and freeze for future use. I also decided in an attempt to be more organized that I would spend 15 minutes cleaning my room (not my strong suit at all!) I was amazed at how much I got done. Perhaps it was just the timing. My mother has tried to teach me all of this for years, I guess I just wasn't ready to break away from the feminist mainstream that said that sloppy and manly were okay for a woman. It felt really good though to attempt to be a better homemaker and I hope that tomorrow will go as well!

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